The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December, 21 – 2020

Jupiter & Saturn conjunction_20201221_17.14ut_CZan

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Jupiter & Saturn conjunction_20201221_16.56ut_CZan

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Vi presento una mia immagine ripresa la sera del 21 dicembre scorso, in occasione della storica congiunzione tra Giove e Saturno, distanti al momento della ripresa soltanto 6′ o7″ secondi d’arco tra loro.

L’immagine finale a colori è stata trattata differentemente per ciascun pianeta, poi ricomposta esattamente e fedelmente all’immagine in B/N (nella banda dell’IR a 685 nm) che li ritrae contemporaneamente, di cui allego entrambi gli “scatti”, a colori e monocromatico nell’Infrarosso.

L’immagine in visione oculare era ancor più spettacolare che al monitor, e i due pianeti giganti non erano mai stati così vicini da diversi secoli.

Grazie per la Vostra cortese attenzione.

Dettagli Tecnici:

Telescopio Celestyron C11 @ ~ F/10  –    Baader IR-685 & B-440 filters – Grasshopper3 GS3-U3-23S6M (IMX174) camera – Seeing 5,5/10 in IR band – sito: Palermo @ my personal Observatory.



Here my image of the Jupiter-Saturn historical conjunction, on the evening of last December 21 – 2020, when the two planets where distant between themselves only 6′ 7″ arcsec.
The final color image was treated differently for each planet, then recomposed exactly and faithfully to the B/W image (in the IR band at 685 nm) that portrays them simultaneously, of which I am attaching both “shots”, color and infrared monochrome.
The ocular vision image was even more spectacular than on the monitor, and the two giant planets had never been this close in several centuries.
Thanks for your kind attention.
Technical details:
Celestyron C11 @ ~ F/10 telescope – Baader IR-685 & B-440 filters – Grasshopper3 GS3-U3-23S6M (IMX174) camera – Seeing 5,5/10 in IR band – site: Palermo @ my personal Observatory.

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